A World Turned Upside Down: Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones
  • 2006/260 pages
  • A Kumarian Press Book

A World Turned Upside Down:

Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones

Neil Boothby, Allison Strang, and Michael Wessells, editors
Hardcover: $72.00
ISBN: 978-1-56549-226-4
Paperback: $29.95
ISBN: 978-156549-225-7
A World Turned Upside Down looks at children's experiences during war from a psychological and social ecological perspective, offering thoughtful observations and dispelling myths about the realities of growing up in conflict situations. In addition, each contributor points to ways to foster well-being and nurture the kinds of social connections that can liberate children from the pathologies of war.
Neil Boothby is Allan Rosenfeld Professor of Forced Migration and Health at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Allison Strang is senior research fellow at the Institute for International Health and Development, Queen Margaret University College. Michael Wessells is professor of clinical population and family health at the Mailman School of Public Health.