Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2012
Center on International Cooperation | | ISBN: 978-1-58826-814-3 $49.95 |
| ISBN: 978-1-58826-839-6 $27.50 |
| ISBN: 978-1-58826-913-3 $27.50 |
2012/343 pages 8 1/2" x 11" format |
Unique in its breadth of coverage, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations—those launched by the UN, by regional organizations, and by coalitions—that is available. Features of the 2012 volume include:
• a thematic focus on the role of peace operations in the extension of state authority
• a summary analysis of trends and developments in peace operations through 2011
• concise analyses of all peacekeeping missions on the ground in 2011
• in-depth explorations of key missions, focusing on those that faced significant challenges or underwent major developments in 2011
• extensive, full-color maps, figures, and photographs
The editorially independent Annual Review is a project of the Center on International Cooperation at New York University, with the support of both the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the UN Department of Field Support.
"Few best-selling books read as well as this annual gem; few texts have even half as much useful and well-presented information on a crucial subject; few publications can hold a candle to the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations."—Michael O'Hanlon, Brookings Institution
"A splendid anthology of facts and figures cleverly and attractively presented."—Ramesh Thakur, International Journal
"This excellent book presents lots of data, solid analysis, and good graphics."—Choice