- 2022/206 pages
- Distributed for HSRC Press
Large Format
#FeesMustFall and Its Aftermath:
Violence, Wellbeing, and the Student Movement in South Africa
Hardcover: $39.95
ISBN: 978-07969-2634-0
At first a small student protest against high fees at Wits University and the lack of government funding for higher education, the #FeesMustFall movement spread quickly, and violently, to other South African campuses.
#FeesMustFall tells the gripping story of the student activists' experiences during a year-long struggle that began in October 2015; it is also a story of the sacrifices that this student generation made so that others could have access to affordable higher education. Through more than a hundred photographs and accompanying narratives, the authors collaboratively reveal the scale of the upheaval that ensued as committed students successfully advocated for change.
#FeesMustFall tells the gripping story of the student activists' experiences during a year-long struggle that began in October 2015; it is also a story of the sacrifices that this student generation made so that others could have access to affordable higher education. Through more than a hundred photographs and accompanying narratives, the authors collaboratively reveal the scale of the upheaval that ensued as committed students successfully advocated for change.