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From Dictatorship to Democracy: Rebuilding Political Consensus in Chile

Joseph S. Tulchin and Augusto Varas, editors
ISBN: 978-1-55587-294-6
1991/91 pages/LC: 91-34858
Woodrow Wilson Center Current Studies on Latin America

"Describes well the foundation of the current order in Chile and the problems the nation is facing."—British Bulletin of Publications on Latin America, the Caribbean, Portugal and Spain


Representing one of the first efforts to evaluate the transition to democracy in Chile, this book is the fruit of a meeting of key participants in the extraordinary effort at political convergence that made possible the victory over Pinochet in the Chilean plebiscite and the subsequent election of Patricio Alwyn to the presidency.

The authors show how the various segments of Chilean politics modified their traditional positions in all areas in order to work together to defeat authoritarian politics. They also indicate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Chile's civilian government. One focus of the book is the challenge of reestablishing a stable relationship with the United States, which, it is argued, will be the key element in the reinsertion of a democratic Chile into the community of nations. The perceptive commentary chapters explore the most likely consequences of the policy options proposed by the authors.


Joseph S. Tulchin is former director of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Augusto Varas is director of the FLACSO, Chile, program on International Relations. Among his numerous books are The Military and Politics in Latin America and Jaque a la Democracia: Orden Internacional y Violencia Politica en America Latina.


  • Introduction—the Editors.
  • The Challenges Faced by Latin America: Democracy, Structural Adjustment, and Social Cohesion—Angel Flisfisch.
  • Promoting Economic Growth and Stability—Carlos Ominami.
  • The Chilean Economy and US-Chilean Economic Relations—Rolf Luders.
  • Commentary—Riordan Roett.
  • The Social Debt in the Chilean Development Process—Jorge Arrate.
  • The Chilean Political Transition to Democracy—Edgardo Boeninger.
  • The Transition to Democracy and U.S.-Chilean Relations—Carlos Portales.
  • New Perspectives on U.S.-Chilean Military Relations—Augusto Varas.
  • Commentary—Arturo Valenzuela.