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Introducing Social Stratification: The Causes and Consequences of Inequality

Kasturi DasGupta
Introducing Social Stratification: The Causes and Consequences of Inequality
ISBN: 978-1-62637-183-5
ISBN: 978-1-62637-372-3
2015/450 pages/LC: 2014028352
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"This fine book is at the same time comprehensive, incisive, and readily understandable … a rare combination."—G. William Domhoff, University of California, Santa Cruz

"A superb introduction to social inequality and its influence on life chances."—Stacye Blount, Fayetteville State University

"Not just another strat textbook. DasGupta’s book hits all three marks: factually comprehensive, theoretically integrated, and written in a very accessible style."—Alan Spector, Purdue University Calumet

"DasGupta offers a systematic, data-driven approach to explaining just how unequal US society has become.... Readers will come away from this compelling text with a better understanding of how we got here and alternative scenarios for the future."—Dana Dunn, University of Texas at Arlington


Does everyone in the US have an equal chance to "make it"?  What explains the enduring power of racism and sexism? How does our sociopolitical system generate inequality? These are just a few of the questions explored in this accessible introduction to the complex problem of social stratification.

Kasturi DasGupta clearly explains the social and economic mechanisms that serve to preserve and even deepen social stratification in the US. Enriched with case studies and examples throughout, her text is carefully designed both to engage students and to help them see past cultural myths to grasp the underpinnings and consequences of social inequality.


Kasturi DasGupta is professor emeritus of sociology at Georgian Court University.


  • Exploring Inequalities.
  • Our Divided Society Today.
  • How Inequality Shapes Life Chances.
  • The Nature of the Economic System.
  • Globalization and Changing Economic Structures.
  • The Political Economy of Inequality.
  • Education: The Great Equalizer?
  • Making Sense of Intersecting Inequalities.
  • Gender.
  • Race.
  • Nativism, Citizenship, and Colonialism.
  • Advocating for Workers.
  • Seeking Alternative Social Futures.