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Knowledge Shared: Participatory Evaluation in Devleopment Cooperation

Edward T. Jackson and Yusuf Kassam
Knowledge Shared: Participatory Evaluation in Devleopment Cooperation
ISBN: 978-1-56549-085-7
1998/252 pages
A Kumarian Press Book
"A collaboration between two senior international scholar-activist-practitioners, this book is the most internationally representative cutting-edge collection about participatory evaluation available. It will provide hands-on guidance for NGOs, community groups and others who are looking for effective new tools and should be used as a text for courses in international development, evaluation and more."—Budd L. Hall, University of Toronto

"Throughout the world, development professionals, planners and policy makers are struggling with the need to make their programmes and projects more relevant, accountable and owned by the intended beneficiaries. Participatory evaluation as a methodology could make significant contribution towards this end. This is indeed a 'must read' volume for all those involved in similar pursuits."—Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Society for Participatory Research in Asia


This book examines an approach to evaluation that enables citizens and professionals alike to jointly assess the extent to which the benefits of development are shared—and by whom. It presents leading-edge analysis on the theory and practice of participatory evaluation around the world. As the most comprehensive book on participatory evaluation currently available, this volume is a highly valued tool for practitioners and policy makers in all segments of development cooperation and a reference source for students, professors, scholars and researchers in all disciplines related to sustainable and equitable development. Both editors have worked in participatory development, research and evaluation for twenty-five years. They have published widely in these areas and have taught participatory development issues at the university level in Africa and Canada. Kassam and Jackson have played leading roles in international networks on participatory research and evaluation in adult education, literacy, community and rural development, and public sector training.


Edward T. Jackson is senior research fellow at the Carleton University's Carleton Centre for Community Innovation. Yusuf Kassam is an international development consultant.


  • Introduction.
  • Simplicities and Complexities of Participatory Evaluation—J. Freeman.
  • Questions of Ethics in Participatory Evaluation: A View from Anthropology—S. Clark and J. Cove.
  • Indicators of Change: Results-Based Management and Participatory Evaluation—E. T. Jackson.
  • Participatory Impact Assessment as a Tool for Change: Lessons from Poverty Alleviation—S. Gariba.
  • Are We on the Right Track? Report of a Workshop on Participatory—K. Bhasin.
  • Participatory Evaluation: Primary Health Care in Patna, India—M. Feuerstein.
  • Combining Participatory and Survey Methodologies in Evaluation: The Case of a Rural Development Project in Bangladesh—Y. Kassam.
  • Process Evaluation: The Nepal Health Development Project—S. A. Robinson and P. Cox.
  • Participatory Evaluation in Human Resource Developent: A Case Study from Southeast Asia—G. Anderson and D. Gilsig.
  • Participatory Evaluation: Offering Kenyan Women Power and Voice—B. B. Mullinix and M. Akatsa-Bukachi.
  • Participatory Internal Monitoring and Evaluation in Water Projects: A Case Study from Ghana—A. J. Livingstone.
  • Rose Hall Ten Years Later: A Case Study of Participatory Evaluation in St. Vincent—P. Ellis.
  • "We Need to Rebuild This House": The Role of Empowerment in Evaluation of a Mexican Farmers' Cooperative—E. Whitmore.