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North America 2.0: Forging a Continental Future

Tom Long and Alan Bersin
North America 2.0: Forging a Continental Future
ISBN: 978-1-958844-00-7
2023/368 pages
Distributed for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
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"Mandatory reading for scholars and practitioners interested in understanding the concept of North America, its challenges and complexities, and how they matter for the region and the world."—Gustavo Flores-Macías, Cornell University

"Provides crucial insights into the prospects for and limitations of the North American relationship."—Laura Macdonald, Carleton University (Canada)

"Combines vision and constructive pragmatism, sharply focused on questions that need more and better attention."—Abraham F. Lowenthal, University of Southern California


North America has survived a tumultuous three decades since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement. What characterizes our shared region today? More importantly, what sort of region can advance our shared interests and well-being over the next generation?

Addressing these questions, the contributors to North America 2.0 assess North America's present status as a region and explore its current challenges and emerging opportunities across a broad range of issues.


Tom Long is reader in international relations at the University of Warwick and affiliated professor at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas in Mexico. Alan Bersin is a global fellow and Inaugural North America Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and senior fellow at Harvard University's Belfer Center.


  • Introduction—A. Bersin and T. Long.
  • Increasing Opportunities to Address Migration in North America—A. Selee and C. Heredia.
  • North America, Interrupted: Trade, Politics, and a Stunted Continental Vision—I. Manak.
  • Border Management and Control—C. Lawson et al.
  • The Outlook for Energy Integration—D. Wood.
  • Making the Environment a Priority? Evidence from the USMCA—D. Stevens and M. Sanchez Ramirez.
  • Emergency Management—J. Kayyem et al.
  • Successful Workforce Development Is Vital for a Competitive and Prosperous North America—E.A. Wayne and S.M. Alcocer.
  • Higher Education Collaboration: A Review of the Past and a Potential Agenda for the Future—F.L. García et al.
  • Demographic Dynamics—A. Escobar Latapí et al.
  • Toward a North American Anti-Corruption Regime—E. Miller and A. López de la Osa Escribano.
  • Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Resilience—P. Stockton et al.
  • North America in the World. North America in Global Value Chains—K. Fernandez-Stark and P. Bamber.
  • New Trade Policy Objectives—M. Egan.
  • The Future of North America–China Relations—J. Guajardo and N. Cote-Muñoz.
  • Partners in North American Defense: Perspectives of Three Previous Commanders—V.E. Renuart, T.J. Lawson, and C. Ortega-Muñiz.
  • North America and the Arctic—J. Durkee.
  • Conclusion—A. Bersin and T. Long.