- 2005/219 pages
- Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers
Old Demons, New Debates:
Anti-Semitism in the West
Paperback: $20.00
ISBN: 978-0-8419-1439-1
National Jewish Book Awards Finalist!
Old Demons, New Debates offers a provocative new view of the recent upsurge of anti-Semitism in the West. The authors show how today's anti-Semitism draws on older forms of hatred toward Jews while being fueled by both anti-American and anti-Zionist sentiments—and how, far from being the exclusive province of the ignorant and unlettered, it is nourished by intellectuals and other elites. They pay particular attention to the situation in Europe and the United States.
Old Demons, New Debates offers a provocative new view of the recent upsurge of anti-Semitism in the West. The authors show how today's anti-Semitism draws on older forms of hatred toward Jews while being fueled by both anti-American and anti-Zionist sentiments—and how, far from being the exclusive province of the ignorant and unlettered, it is nourished by intellectuals and other elites. They pay particular attention to the situation in Europe and the United States.