Passionate Pioneers: The Story of Yiddish Secular Education in North America, 1910-1960
  • 2010/498 pages
  • Distributed for Holmes & Meier Publishers
    Includes a CD of Yiddish school and camp songs

Passionate Pioneers:

The Story of Yiddish Secular Education in North America, 1910-1960

Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich, with a foreword by Jonathan D. Sarna
Hardcover: $65.00
ISBN: 978-0-8419-1458-2
Paperback: $35.00
ISBN: 978-0-8419-1457-5
A little-known chapter in American Jewish history involves a wide network of Yiddish schools and camps—a vibrant, multifaceted educational movement—that sought to transmit a distinctive sense of secular yiddishkayt, or Jewishness. The first comprehensive record of this movement, Passionate Pioneers documents the myriad challenges, frustrations, and accomplishments of Yiddish secular education, its eventual decline, and the impressive legacy left to successive generations.
Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich has worked in Jewish education as a teacher, principal, curriculum developer, camp director, consultant, and university lecturer.