Surveying Crime in the 21st Century: Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the British Crime Survey
Mike Hough and Mike Maxfield | | ISBN: 978-1-881798-74-3 $65.00 |
| ISBN: 978-1-881798-75-0 $29.95 |
2007/317 pages
Crime Prevention Studies, Volume 22
A CriminalJusticePress Project
What can researchers glean from national crime surveys? And how must these research tools evolve to remain relevant? Addressing these questions, the authors highlight key findings of the British Crime Survey and the US National Crime Victimization Survey and outline innovations necessary for their continued usefulness.
Mike Hough is professor of criminal policy at King’s College London. Mike Maxfield is professor of criminal justice at Rutgers University.
Introduction—the Editors.
British Crime Survey After 25 Years—M. Hough et al.
The Sting in the Tail of the British Crime Survey: Multiple Victimizations—G. Farrell and K. Pease.
Understanding the Link Between Victimization and Offending: New Reflections on an Old Idea—J. L. Lauritsen and J. Laub.
Development and Key Results from the First Two Waves of the Offending Crime and Justice Survey—D. Matz..
The Distribution of Household Property Crime Victimization: Insights from the British Crime Survey—T. Hope.
The International Crime Victims Survey and Complementary Measures of Corruption and Organized Crime—J. van Dijk.
The National Crime Victimization Survey at 34: Looking Back and Looking Ahead—M.R. Rand.
Survey Assessments of Police Performance—W.G. Skogan.
Survey Assessments of Police Performance in the BCS—J. Allen.
Public Opinion and Criminal Justice: The British Crime Survey and Beyond—M. Hough and J.V. Roberts.
The BCS and the Fear of Crime—J. Ditton and S. Farrall.
Improving National Crime Surveys With a Focus on Fraud, High-Tech Crimes, and Stolen Goods—M. Sutton.
Deceptive Evidence: Challenges in Measuring Fraud—J. Hoare.
Addressing the Challenge of Costs and Error in Victimization Surveys: The Potential of New Technologies and Methods—D. Cantor and J. P. Lynch.
Surveying Crime in the 21st Century: Summary and Recommendations—M. Maxfield, M. Hough, and P. Mayhew.