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The Lone Wolves’ Legion: Terrorism, Colonialism, and Capital

Peter Knoope
The Lone Wolves’ Legion: Terrorism, Colonialism, and Capital
ISBN: 978-1-928246-28-2
2018/152 pages
Distributed for Best Red, an imprint of HSRC Press
"In his examination of the relationship between the West and the rest of the world, Peter Knoope turns many dearly held Western assumptions on their heads. He convincingly illuminates fundamental differences by examining key concepts such as existence, time, development, and violence." —Bob de Graaff, Utrecht University

"Highly recommended for anyone wanting to explore the notion of security." —Fulco van Deventer, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism


The threat of terrorism has increased significantly in recent years, in every region, with the number of victims of terrorist attacks also increasing. Are we indeed under siege, as many political leaders would have us believe?

Addressing this question, Peter Knoope draws on a broad range of cultures and traditions—and on a lifetime of experience—to present a deeply personal perspective on the phenomenon of terrorism in the modern world.


Peter Knoope is associate fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.


  • The Rise of Terrorism.
  • Another Perspective.
  • Two Worlds.
  • Finding Solutions.
  • Towards a New Paradigm.