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Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development: Governance, Environment, and Growth with Equity

James H. Weaver, Michael T. Rock, and Kenneth Kusterer
Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development  presents a holistic approach to development that extends beyond the narrow goal of economic growth. The authors provide a thoroughly accessible model for integrating economic development, environmental sustainability, and the full range of factors—social, cultural, and political—affecting both.  More >

Activism Against AIDS: At the Intersections of Sexuality, Race, Gender, and Class

Brett C. Stockdill
AIDS has claimed the lives of more than 400,000 people in the United States, becoming the focus of intense social activism. Brett Stockdill reveals that people living with HIV/AIDS are often multiply oppressed—women of color, for example—and explores how interlocking oppressions fragment activism and thus impede AIDS prevention and intervention. Demonstrating that a unified approach to  More >

Adding Insult to Injury: (Mis)Treating Homeless Women in Our Mental Health System

Laura Huey and Rose Ricciardelli
Despite widespread recognition that the majority of homeless women suffer from severe mental and emotional trauma, our healthcare system has essentially left them untreated—other than to mask their symptoms with psychiatric drugs. Why? And what can be done about it? Addressing this issue, Laura Huey and Rose Ricciardelli not only present an integrated analysis of  the ways that the  More >

Addressing the State of the Union: The Evolution and Impact of the President's Big Speech

Donna R. Hoffman and Alison D. Howard
The State of the Union is no ordinary speech on at least two accounts: it is a fundamental statement of how a president approaches current policy debates, and it is the one presidential address that US citizens are most likely to hear each year. Donna Hoffman and Alison Howard document the political significance and legislative impact or, often, lack of impact of this most visible of  More >

Adrienne Mesurat [a novel]

Julian Green, translated by Henry Longan Stuart

Adult Corrections: International Systems and Perspectives

John A. Winterdyk, editor
In this text, prominent resident scholars present comprehensive overviews of the adult corrections systems of Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Namibia, Romania and the US. These national profiles provide a rare comparative and international perspective on corrections trends, issues and problems. The national profiles are complemented by the editor's introduction and  More >

Advancing Nonprofit Stewardship Through Self-Regulation: Translating Principles into Practice

Christopher Corbett, with a foreword by David Horton Smith
In 2004, Independent Sector, the major trade organization for US nonprofits, convened a panel to recommend actions to strengthen nonprofit governance and ethical standards. The panel's report, some three years in the making, highlighted 33 principles that it recommended nonprofits adopt. The report was overwhelmingly welcomed by the nonprofit sector, but the task of translating principles into  More >

Adventures in Zambian Politics: A Story in Black and White

Guy Scott
As Miles Larmer writes in the foreword, Adventures in Zambian Politics is unlike any political memoir you have ever read. It is ... A political history of Zambia from colonial times to the present. A revealing insider account of politics and government within a modern African state. A story about race in Africa. A chronicle of the rise and fall of two improbable political allies who wanted to  More >

Advocacy Across Borders: NGOs, Anti-Sweatshop Activism and the Global Garment Industry

Shae Garwood
Particularly compelling reading after the April 2013 building collapse that killed more than 1,000 garment workers in Bangladesh, Advocacy Across Borders explores the strategies, strengths—and limitations—of Northern-based NGOs that seek to improve conditions for the millions of workers in the clothing and textile industry who face long hours, inadequate wages, and abuse. Garwood  More >

Afghanistan’s Troubled Transition: Politics, Peacekeeping, and the 2004 Presidential Election

Scott Seward Smith
Scott Seward Smith focuses on Afghanistan's 2004 presidential election—the first popular election ever held there—as he explores the painstaking attempt by the United Nations to develop democratic institutions in the country. Smith thoroughly describes the personalities, policies, bureaucracies, and external factors that shaped the faltering transition process from 2001 through  More >
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