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Prison Homicide: Killing and Dying in Prison Today

Joshua S. Long
The media frequently hype the notion that US prisons, overcrowded and understaffed, are deadly places. Are they correct? How many people actually die in prison, and from what causes? Who are the victims? The perpetrators? How reliable are the available data? Joshua Long addresses these questions in his rich, in-depth study of killing and dying in carceral settings. Incorporating numerous case  More >

The Fall of Fortress Europe 1943-1945

Albert Seaton

CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society, Volume 2: Comparative Perspectives

V. Finn Heinrich and Lorenzo Fioramonti, editors
Volume 2 of the CIVICUS Global Survey of the State of Civil Society offers a wide-ranging analysis of key issues facing civil society worldwide. The authors draw on information collected by the CIVICUS Civil Society Index project in more than 45 countries to explore issues such as civil society’s accountability, its relations to the state and corporate sector, and its role in governance and  More >

Women, Work, and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa

Valentine M. Moghadam
Globalization and changing political economies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are affecting women's labor-force participation, educational attainment,  and access to economic resources. But are these changes in fact resulting in economic gains for women? And will this produce an intensification or a subversion of the patriarchal gender contract that has thus far characterized  More >

Managing Drug Supply: The Selection, Procurement, Distribution, and Use of Pharmaceuticals, 2nd Edition

Management Sciences for Health, Inc.
This edition of Managing Drug Supply provides a complete overview, as well as step-by-step approaches, on how to manage pharmaceutical systems effectively.  More >

A Russian Mother [a novel]

Alain Bosquet, translated by Barbara Bray and with an afterword by Germaine Brée
At the core of A Russian Mother lies the profound ambivalence of two people who are chillingly remote yet obsessively attached. This painful symbiosis between a mother and son takes shape in fragments, as the narrative jumps back and forth in time until the late1970s. The narrator provides the psychological threads that unify the haphazard chronology, the chaotic uprootings, and the conflicting  More >

Jewish Apostasy in the Modern World

Todd M. Endelman, editor
This collection of essays explores one of the most sensitive areas of the history of the Jewish-Christian relations—the story of Christian missions to the Jews and the phenomenon of Jewish conversion to Christianity. Although historians and religious thinkers—both Jewish and Christian—have taken up this theme previously, they have usually done so in a polemical spirit, their work  More >

The New Politics of Aid: Emerging Donors and Conflict-Affected States

Agnieszka Paczyńska, editor
How do emerging donors conceptualize the relationship between security and development? How, and why, do the policies they pursue in conflict-affected states differ from the liberal peacebuilding model of traditional donors? Addressing these questions, the authors of The New Politics of Aid shed light on the increasingly complicated and complex donor landscape. Their work is an essential  More >

Civil Society in Syria and Iran: Activism in Authoritarian Contexts

Paul Aarts and Francesco Cavatorta, editors
What are the dynamics of civic activism in authoritarian regimes? How do new social actors—many of them informal, "below the radar" groups—interact with these regimes? What mechanisms do the power elite employ to deal with societal dissidence? The authors of Civil Society in Syria and Iran explore the nature of state-society relations in two countries that are experiencing  More >

The Latino Male: A Radical Redefinition

David T. Abalos
What does it mean to be a Latino man in the United States today? David Abalos shows how the traditional cultural stories—the male roles of the mujeriego (the womanizer), the macho, and the patriarch—are becoming unlivable. Too many men choose manipulation, power, or violence in response, in an effort to restore the old order. But there is an alternative, argues Abalos. Demonstrating  More >