Security and Intelligence Studies

Democracy and War: The End of an Illusion?
Errol A. Henderson

Errol Henderson critically examines what has been called the closest thing to an empirical law in world politics, the concept of the democratic peace.   Henderson tests two versions    More >

Arms Control: Cooperative Security in a Changing Environment
Jeffrey A. Larsen, editor

More than a decade after the end of the Cold War, the need to control the spread of arms remains clear, while the usefulness of traditional paradigms is increasingly called into question.    More >

Waging War Without Warriors? The Changing Culture of Military Conflict
Christopher Coker

In the past, posits Christopher Coker, wars were all-encompassing; they were a test not only of individual bravery, but of an entire community's will to survive. In the West today, in    More >

Armies Without States: The Privatization of Security
Robert Mandel

What does the increasing use of private security forces mean for governments? For individuals? Armies Without States offers a comprehensive analysis of the varieties, causes, and    More >

Strategic Thinking: An Introduction and Farewell
Philip Windsor, edited by Mats Berdal and Spyros Economides

In this, his final book, Philip Windsor explores the emergence, meaning, and significance of the Cold War mentality. Tracing the evolution of strategic thinking from its origins in medieval    More >

The Sources of Military Change: Culture, Politics, Technology
Theo Farrell and Terry Terriff, editors

In varying circumstances, military organizations around the world are undergoing major restructuring. This book explores why, and how, militaries change. The authors focus on a complex of    More >

Transnational Organized Crime and International Security: Business as Usual?
Mats Berdal and Mónica Serrano, editors

Though the provision of illicit goods and services is far from being a new phenomenon, today's global economic environment has allowed transnational organized crime an unprecedented    More >

Spectator-Sport War: The West and Contemporary Conflict
Colin McInnes

Following a century dominated by global conflict—and despite the unchanging nature of the human suffering it causes—the nature of war itself, argues Colin McInnes, has been    More >

War Crimes: Confronting Atrocity in the Modern World
David Chuter

War crimes typically are discussed in sensational terms or in the dry language of international law. In contrast, David Chuter brings clarity to this complex subject, exploring why    More >

The Whistleblower of Dimona: Israel, Vanunu, and the Bomb
Yoel Cohen

In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at Israel's highly secret nuclear arms research center at Dimona, disclosed highly classified details about Israel's nuclear arms program to    More >

War and Intervention: Issues for Contemporary Peace Operations
Michael V. Bhatia

War and Intervention explains how armed forces, aid agencies, and transitional adminsitrations in war-affected countries have adapted to the changing circumstances of modern war and    More >

Security, Strategy and the Quest for Bloodless War
Robert Mandel

In recent decades, government and military officials alike have pushed increasingly in the direction of "bloodless wars," where confrontations are undertaken—and ultimately    More >

Men, Militarism, and UN Peacekeeping: A Gendered Analysis
Sandra Whitworth

Sandra Whitworth looks behind the rhetoric to investigate from a feminist perspective some of the realities of military intervention under the UN flag. Whitworth contends that there is a    More >

Critical Security Studies and World Politics
Ken Booth, editor

Realist assumptions of security studies increasingly have been challenged by an approach that places the human being, rather than the state, at the center of security concerns. This text is    More >

Guns and Butter: The Political Economy of International Security
Peter Dombrowski, editor

Reflecting the growing interest among scholars and practitioners in the relationship between security affairs and economics, this new volume explores the nature of that relationship in the    More >

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