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Latin America, China, and Great Power Competition: New Triangular Relationships

Enrique Dussel Peters

The emergence of Latin America and the Caribbean as an arena for US-China competition raises a number of important questions: What are China’s goals in LAC? Is its presence there a good thing for the region? What challenges does it create? How is the US responding? Enrique Dussel Peters responds to these questions from a fresh perspective, exploring the dynamics of new triangular    More >

Latin America, China, and Great Power Competition: New Triangular Relationships

Latin American and Caribbean Overseas Foreign Direct Investment in China in the Twenty-First Century

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

While overseas direct investment from China has been studied widely, OFDI to China has been largely ignored. Contributors to this volume pivot the conversation to examine macroeconomic and historical features of investment flows to China from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and a range of Caribbean and Central American countries, framing each case study within wider bilateral socioeconomic    More >

Latin American and Caribbean Overseas Foreign Direct Investment in China in the Twenty-First Century

Hedging the China Threat: US-Taiwan Security Relations Since 1949

Shao-cheng Sun

The United States has never formally recognized Taiwan as a sovereign state, yet it has provided the country with security assistance since the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC) government there in 1949. What accounts for this equivocal stance? And how is the US leveraging Taiwan against China? To unpack this complex triangular relationship, Shao-cheng Sun explores the history of US    More >

Hedging the China Threat: US-Taiwan Security Relations Since 1949

China Moves West: The Evolving Strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative

Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Benjamin Houghton, and Jia Liu, editors

In September 2013, Xi Jinping announced the launch of a Chinese-led megaproject, the Belt and Road Initiative, that would transform Asia's position within the global economy. Some ten years on, the BRI, while facing significant obstacles, has gone from strength to strength. How has China’s BRI diplomacy affected its image across Asia? What does the BRI mean for Sino-US competition?    More >

China Moves West: The Evolving Strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative

Xi Jinping’s China: The Personal and the Political

Stig Stenslie and Marte Kjær Galtung

With steely determination, Xi Jinping has forged his way to absolute power at home, consolidated China's role as a global superpower, and promoted instrumental myths about his life. All the while, in many ways he has remained a mystery. Which is a problem, assert Stig Stenslie and Marte Kjær Galtung, because to understand China today, it is essential to understand Xi. Who is he? What    More >

Xi Jinping’s China: The Personal and the Political

Countering China: US Responses to the Belt and Road Initiative

Edward Ashbee

By March 2022, a remarkable 144 countries had signed onto the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—China's massive investment and infrastructure development program—with significant implications for US foreign policy. Edward Ashbee explores how the US has reacted to this global expansion of Chinese power, tracing the arc of policy responses to the BRI from its inception in 2013 through    More >

Countering China: US Responses to the Belt and Road Initiative

Between Brussels and Beijing: The Transatlantic Response to China’s Presence in the Baltic Sea Region

Olevs Nikers and Otto Tabuns, editors

China's growing presence in the strategically important Nordic-Baltic region has implications not only for the region itself, but also for general transatlantic relations. Within that context, the authors of Between Brussels and Beijing present in-depth country studies that highlight current challenges and point to opportunities for improved regional and transatlantic security.    More >

Between Brussels and Beijing: The Transatlantic Response to China’s Presence in the Baltic Sea Region

Pandemic Medicine: Why the Global Innovation System Is Broken, and How We Can Fix It

Kathryn C. Ibata-Arens

Winner of the Andrew Price-Smith Book Award! Despite a century of advances in modern medicine, as well as the rapid development of Covid vaccines, the global pharmaceutical industry has largely failed to bring to market drugs that actually cure disease. Why? And looking further ... How can government policies stimulate investment in the development of curative drugs? Is there an untapped    More >

Pandemic Medicine: Why the Global Innovation System Is Broken, and How We Can Fix It

US-China Nuclear Relations: The Impact of Strategic Triangles

David Santoro, editor

Though China remains a relatively weak nuclear power, it has in recent years become central to US strategic policymaking. What explains this shift? How is the US-China strategic nuclear relationship evolving? What role do other states play in shaping it?   To address these questions, the authors of US-China Nuclear Relations examine a series of strategic triangles involving China, the US,    More >

US-China Nuclear Relations: The Impact of Strategic Triangles

The Rise of China’s Industrial Policy, 1978 to 2020

Barry Naughton

Can China's remarkable, rapid emergence as a large economy and technological power be attributed to specific policies, and more generally to a Chinese program of industrial policy? More simply put: What is it that China has done right? This is the fundamental question that Barry Naughton addresses in his extended essay. Disentangling the threads of China's industrial policies since    More >

The Rise of China’s Industrial Policy, 1978 to 2020

Maritime Asia vs. Continental Asia: National Strategies in a Region of Change

Shiraishi Takashi

Shiraishi Takashi reflects on the diplomatic challenges facing the countries of Asia in today's geopolitical order, exploring historical context, long-term trends, and current strategies. The tectonic shifts in the global order are having a particularly dramatic impact in Asia, with its combined economy now larger than that of either North America or Europe. As he explores the nature of    More >

Maritime Asia vs. Continental Asia: National Strategies in a Region of Change

Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years

Kharis Templeman, Yun-han Chu, and Larry Diamond, editors

During the Ma Ying-jeou presidency in Taiwan (2008–2016), confrontations over relations with mainland China stressed the country’s institutions, leading to a political crisis. Nevertheless, its democracy proved to be resilient. The authors of Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan explore key aspects of the complicated Ma era, including party politics and elections, the sources of Ma's    More >

Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years

Politics and Society in Contemporary China, 2nd edition

Elizabeth Freund Larus

This acclaimed introduction to China's politics and policies has been extensively revised and thoroughly updated not only to focus on the Xi Jinping era, but also to be even more accessible to students. Elizabeth Larus concisely captures the dynamism of Chinese politics. From local politics to the judicial system, from minority issues to defense policy, from the Belt and Road Initiative to    More >

Politics and Society in Contemporary China, 2nd edition

China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Enrique Dussel Peters

Over the first two decades of the twenty-first century, China has become not only the world's largest economy, but also its largest exporter, a major importer, and the second largest source of foreign direct investment outflows. Focusing on FDI, the authors of this book look in depth at China's activities in Latin America and the Caribbean during 2000-2018. They present both    More >

China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Taiwan: The Development of an Asian Tiger

Hans Stockton and Yao-Yuan Yeh, eds.

How did Taiwan transform itself from a "least developed country" into an Asian Tiger? How did it become a successful, multiparty democracy after years of authoritarian rule? Why do its relations with China and the US remain critical? The authors address these questions as they assess Taiwan's trajectory since 1949 in the political, economic, and social spheres. They also consider    More >

Taiwan: The Development of an Asian Tiger

China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conditions and Challenges

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

In recent years, China's explosive outflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) globally can be measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars, with close to 10 billion of that going each year to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The characteristics and significance of that investment in LAC are the focus of this new book. The authors first discuss FDI in the region from the Chinese    More >

China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conditions and Challenges

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

After more than a year of negotiations, the differences between NAFTA and the new United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) are minor—especially considering the initial stance of the Trump administration in 2017—with one notable exception. The new agreement explicitly prohibits its members from negotiating free-trade agreements with "non-market economies" such    More >

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?

Belt and Road Initiative: Alternative Development Path for Africa

Thokozani Simelane and Lavhelesani Managa, editors

At the heart of China's Belt and Road Initiative lies the creation of not only an economic land belt linking countries on the original Silk Road through Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, but also a maritime "road" linking its port facilities with the African coast. In Belt and Road Initiative, contributors from China and Africa consider how China's vision could support    More >

Belt and Road Initiative: Alternative Development Path for Africa

Understanding Contemporary China, 5th edition

Robert E. Gamer and Stanley W. Toops, editors

China today bears little resemblance to the country introduced in the first edition of Understanding Contemporary China, published nearly two decades ago. Even in just the past five years, dramatic changes have occurred under the leadership of President Xi Jinping. This new edition of the book reflects those changes, exploring the impact of new domestic policies; China's role as a behemoth    More >

Understanding Contemporary China, 5th edition

To Build a Free China: A Citizen’s Journey

Xu Zhiyong, translated by Joshua Rosenzweig and Yaxue Cao, with an Introduction by Andrew Nathan

Xu Zhiyong Won the 2020 PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award! The story of China's rights movement—a struggle for basic human rights and democracy that, despite harsh repression, has endured for more than a decade—unfolds in Xu Zhiyong's compelling personal memoir. In recognition of his work as an activist, lawyer, and founder of the New Citizen Movement, Dr. Xu was named    More >

To Build a Free China: A Citizen’s Journey

The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond

Adrian H. Hearn and Margaret Myers, editors

This comprehensive assessment of transpacific economic integration explores the many ways that new approaches to multilateral cooperation, and notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), are transforming the regional landscape. Reflecting diverse views on the merits of new and wide-ranging agreements, the authors consider: To what extent will the TPP facilitate the US "pivot" to Asia    More >

The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration: China, the TPP, and Beyond

Taiwan's Democracy Challenged: The Chen Shui-bian Years

Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, and Kharis Templeman, editors

When Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan's first non-Kuomintang president, left office in 2008, his tenure was widely considered a disappointment. More recent events, however, suggest the need for a reassessment of this crucial period in Taiwan's political development. Taiwan's Democracy Challenged provides that assessment, considering key facets of both the progress toward and the obstacles to    More >

Taiwan's Democracy Challenged: The Chen Shui-bian Years

Democratization in Hong Kong—and China?

Lynn T. White III

Hong Kong and its relationship with China make for a uniquely intriguing study in democratization. What has hindered or caused greater popular sovereignty in Hong Kong? Over what time period and under what conditions could further democratization occur? Addressing these questions through the lens of comparative democratization theories, Lynn White explores Hong Kong’s complicated    More >

Democratization in Hong Kong—and China?

Politics in East Asia: Explaining Change and Continuity

Timothy C. Lim

This systematic, innovative introduction to the dynamic politics and political economies of China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan teaches students how to think analytically, critically, and independently about the most significant developments in the region. The text offers in-depth coverage of the unique experiences of each country, all within the framework of an explicit    More >

Politics in East Asia: Explaining Change and Continuity

China’s Regional Relations: Evolving Foreign Policy Dynamics

Mark Beeson and Fujian Li

Has China's much-discussed "charm offensive" come to an end? Are fears about the country's more assertive foreign policies justified? How will a rising China interact with its regional neighbors? Mark Beeson and Fujian Li address these questions by comprehensively exploring the nature, effectiveness, and implications of China's foreign policy strategy in Asia and Australia.    More >

China’s Regional Relations: Evolving Foreign Policy Dynamics

Will This Be China’s Century?: A Skeptic’s View

Mel Gurtov

Mel Gurtov takes issue with the widespread view that China is on the way to rivaling or even displacing the United States as the dominant world power. Gurtov identifies serious constraints that will keep the country's leadership focused for the foreseeable future on challenges at home. Arguing that China's economic rise has exacerbated problems of social inequality, environmental    More >

Will This Be China’s Century?: A Skeptic’s View

US Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity

Dean P. Chen

Why did the Truman administration reject a pragmatic approach to the Taiwan Strait conflict—recognizing Beijing and severing ties with Taipei—and instead choose the path of strategic ambiguity? Dean Chen sheds light on current US policy by exploring the thoughts and deliberations of President Truman and his top advisers, among them Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Livingston Merchant,    More >

US Taiwan Strait Policy: The Origins of Strategic Ambiguity

China Engages Latin America: Tracing the Trajectory

Adrian H. Hearn and José Luis León-Manríquez, editors

What inroads is China making in Latin America? In China Engages Latin America, experts from three continents provide local answers to this global question. The authors explore the multiple motivations driving the establishment of new Sino–Latin American linkages, the nature of those linkages, and the reactions that they have generated. They also examine how China–Latin America    More >

China Engages Latin America: Tracing the Trajectory

China and India: Great Power Rivals

Mohan Malik

Despite burgeoning trade and cultural links, China and India remain fierce competitors in a world of global economic rebalancing, power shifts, resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and other transnational security threats. Mohan Malik explores this increasingly important and complex relationship, grounding his analysis in the history of the two countries. Malik describes a geopolitical    More >

China and India: Great Power Rivals

China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic

Lowell Dittmer and George T. Yu, editors

With China's rise as a major player in international affairs, how have its policies toward developing countries changed? And how do those policies now fit with its overall foreign policy goals? This timely book explores the complexities of China's evolving relationship with the developing world. The authors first examine the political and economic implications of China's efforts to    More >

China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic

China's Rural Development Policy: Exploring the "New Socialist Countryside"

Minzi Su

As China strives to achieve nothing less than a "harmonious society"—despite the pronounced and institutionalized class structure that divides rural Chinese from urban, eastern from western, and rich from poor— a key element of that effort is a "new socialist countryside." Minzi Su assesses the prospects for China's rural revitalization programs now in their    More >

China's Rural Development Policy: Exploring the "New Socialist Countryside"

China in Latin America: The Whats and Wherefores

R. Evan Ellis

With China on the minds of many in Latin America—from politicians and union leaders to people on the street, from business students to senior bankers—a number of important questions arise. Why, for example, is China so rapidly expanding its ties with the region? What is the nature of the new connection, and how will it affect institutions, economic structures, politics, and society? R.    More >

China in Latin America: The Whats and Wherefores

China and the Energy Equation in Asia: The Determinants of Policy Choice

Jean A. Garrison

Why does China act as it does in its pursuit of energy security? Are “resource wars” inevitable? Going beyond traditional analyses that focus on China as a regional and global threat, Jean Garrison sheds new light on the roots of the country’s energy policy and the constraints that it faces. Garrison eschews the zero-sum approaches that underlie much conceptualization of the    More >

China and the Energy Equation in Asia: The Determinants of Policy Choice

China's Rise and the Two Koreas: Politics, Economics, Security

Scott Snyder

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! With China now South Korea's number one trading partner and destination for foreign investment and tourism, what are the implications for politics and security in East Asia? Scott Snyder explores the transformation of the Sino–South Korean relationship since the early 1990s. Snyder considers the strategic significance of recent developments in    More >

China's Rise and the Two Koreas:  Politics, Economics, Security

China's New Role in Africa

Ian Taylor

Ian Taylor explores the nature and implications of China's burgeoning role in Africa, arguing that Beijing is using Africa not only as a source of needed raw materials and potential new markets, but also to bolster its own position on the international stage. After tracing the history of Sino-African relations, Taylor addresses key current issues: What will be the long-term consequences,    More >

China's New Role in Africa

Political Change in China: Comparisons with Taiwan

Bruce Gilley and Larry Diamond, editors

How might China become a democracy? And what lessons, if any, might Taiwan's experience of democratization hold for China's future? The authors of this volume consider these questions, both through comparisons of Taiwan's historical experience with the current period of economic and social change in the PRC, and through more focused analysis of China's current, and possible future,    More >

Political Change in China: Comparisons with Taiwan

Taiwan's Security Policy: External Threats and Domestic Politics

Michael S. Chase

Confounding expectations, Taiwan reduced its military spending for many years even as its sole adversary, the People's Republic of China, modernized its military and significantly increased its defense budget. Michael Chase examines the key factors that have shaped Taiwan's security policy over a span of three decades. Chase explores both the role of US security assurances in formulating    More >

Taiwan's Security Policy: External Threats and Domestic Politics

China in World Politics: Policies, Processes, Prospects, 2nd Edition

Judith F. Kornberg and John R. Faust

Introducing students to China's foreign policy, the authors outline the political, security, economic, and social issues the country faces in the emerging 21st century. Each chapter of the book familiarizes the reader with the Chinese framework for analyzing the issues in question. Alternate policy choices are suggested, along with supporting data for each course of action. Discussion and    More >

China in World Politics: Policies, Processes, Prospects, 2nd Edition

Making China Policy: From Nixon to G.W. Bush

Jean A. Garrison

What explains the twists and turns in US-China relations since Richard Nixon initiated a policy of engagement in the early 1970s? Addressing this question, Jean Garrison examines the politics behind US China policy across six administrations from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush. Garrison finds that a focus on the internal decisionmaking process is key to understanding both continuity and change    More >

Making China Policy: From Nixon to G.W. Bush

China's Nuclear Future

Paul J. Bolt and Albert S. Willner, editors

In the face of significant changes in the contemporary geopolitical environment, China's longstanding policy of maintaining a minimal nuclear stockpile may also be shifting. China's Nuclear Future provides a comprehensive overview of both the evolution of China's nuclear policy and the strategic implications of current developments.   The authors examine a full range of issues,    More >

China's Nuclear Future

China and India: Cooperation or Conflict?

Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu and Jing-dong Yuan

The hardline view of Sino-Indian relations found in the published reports of Indian and Chinese security analysts is often at considerable odds with the more tempered opinions those same analysts express in private interviews and conversations. What is the reality of the increasingly important security relationship between the two countries? The authors of this new study address that question in    More >

China and India: Cooperation or Conflict?

From Opposition to Power: Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party

Shelley Rigger

On March 18, 2000, Taiwan's voters stunned the world by choosing Chen Shui-bian, the candidate of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to be their president. A host of new issues quickly became the subject of debate. What is the DPP? Where did it come from and what does it stand for? How will it use its newly won power? Will it risk war with mainland China in pursuit of    More >

From Opposition to Power: Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China

Katherine Palmer Kaup

Managing ethnic nationalism within the People's Republic of China has become increasingly challenging. As new reforms widen economic disparities between minorities and the Han majority, even the most assimilated of minorities, the Zhuang, have begun to demand special treatment from the central government. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officially recognized the sixteen million Zhuang as    More >

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China

China UnderJiang Zemin

Hung-mao Tien and Yun-han Chu, editors

China Under Jiang Zemin represents the first major scholarly effort to analyze the evolution of China’s new leadership, taking as its starting point the pivotal Fifteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, held in September 1997. Proceeding from a detailed portrait of the political landscape at the opening of the Jiang Zemin era, the authors provide rich detail of the various    More >

China UnderJiang Zemin

Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin's China

Andrew J. Nathan, Zhaohui Hong, and Steven R. Smith, editors

As China enters a stage of economic reform more challenging and risky than any that has gone before, the pressure for political liberalization grows apace. This volume explores the dilemmas of this new phase of complex change. The authors—most of whom write with the insight that comes from having lived and worked within the Chinese system—analyze how the evolution of China’s    More >

Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin's China

Restructuring Political Power in China: Alliances and Opposition, 1978-1998

An Chen

This systematic study of China's structural transformation during the past two decades emphasizes the balance-of-power game so ably played by Deng Xiaoping and others among the post-Mao national leadership. Chen argues that to prevent party cadre opposition to market restructuring—the nemesis of change in other communist states—national leaders manipulated legislative channels and    More >

Restructuring Political Power in China: Alliances and Opposition, 1978-1998

China's Security: The New Roles of the Military

Mel Gurtov and Byong-Moo Hwang

This fresh appraisal of China’s military establishment in transition emphasizes the interplay of domestic and external forces. Showing how economic, technological, bureaucratic, and international factors have substantially reshaped Chinese military thinking and behavior, the authors question the popular perception of a “China threat.” Their closely reasoned analysis underscores    More >

China's Security: The New Roles of the Military

Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes: Defense Conversion in China

Jorn Brömmelhörster and John Frankenstein, editors

Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes looks critically at China's efforts to adapt its vast military- industrial complex to the service of its socialist market economy. The authors—all of whom have witnessed or participated first-hand in the country's defense conversion—offer political, macroeconomic, business, and military perspectives on this complex issue. The book places the    More >

Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes: Defense Conversion in China

Taiwan's Security in the Changing International System

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey

One of the most critical tasks facing Taiwan's government in the post-Cold War era is the need to reassess its security environment. In this context, Hickey discusses the island's security concerns, the structure and composition of its armed forces, and its defensive strategy. He also explores the opportunities and challenges for Taipei generated by recent transformations in the    More >

Taiwan's Security in the Changing International System

State and Society in China's Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of Socialist Reform

Chih-yu Shih

As China's reforms take root, the differences between the traditional value of harmony and the socialist norm of class struggle are becoming increasingly obscured. Chinese citizens are, in fact, theoretically allowed—even encouraged—to be socialist and profit-driven at the same time. Chih-yu Shih looks at this precarious dyad, demonstrating what reform has done to the    More >

State and Society in China's Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of Socialist Reform

Population and Environment in China

Qu Geping and Li Jinchang

Professors Qu and Li incorporate the results of historical research, current analysis, and forecasting to discuss the relationship between human population and the environment in China. Proposing ways that the PRC can move from vicious to positive cycles, they offer creative recommendations for overcoming the current crisis and promoting development. A valuable scientific basis for China's policy    More >

Population and Environment in China

China's Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy

Chih-yu Shih

Looking at China's foreign policy, this book focuses on the Confucian-based need of Chinese leaders to present themselves as the supreme moral rectifiers of the world order. Shih outlines the diplomatic principles cherished by the Chinese—socialism, antihegemonism, peaceful coexistence, statism, and isolationism—and explores how each has been applied in the past forty years. He    More >

China's Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy

China Opens Its Doors: The Politics of Economic Transition

Jude Howell

China Opens Its Doors explains and documents the complex relationship between the politics and economics of China's recent "Open Policy," covering the period from 1978 up to the Party Congress of November 1992. Though emphasizing the political essence of this policy process, Howell also looks at the sociopolitical changes that it has engendered, including its impact on the state and    More >

China Opens Its Doors: The Politics of Economic Transition